I am learning to write about what happens before, during and after an event.
It was another usual day in the science laboratory. Zachary looked up on his wall and saw the best invention award he won in 3016. He turned on his holographic computer. “Welcome, Zachary,” the computer said with a calming, robotic voice. “Date - 8/02/3018. Current Project - Robot Construction.”
“Wow, my 55th birthday is next week,” he thought. Zachary then started to drift off, thinking of other things, he was still tired, he wakes up at 5:30AM in the morning just to get to work on time.
Then someone kicks the door open, snapping Zachary back to reality, “WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS IT?” panicked the man, Zachary turned around and realised it was Cory. Cory was Zachary’s best friend and co owner of the laboratory. He bombarded into the building like a bull. “Where is what?” Zachary asked with confusion. Cory didn’t have to say anything, he just took a deep breath, and slowly put up his hand while holding up 3 fingers. “The Motherboard? Where is it?!” Zachary asked. “EXACTLY!” Cory replied. “We got to call EVERYONE.”
Eventually, everyone working at the laboratory arrived. Even the people off duty came. An indoor search party of about 80 people went looking for the motherboard. It was made to be as small as possible to fit in with all the other cords and mechanics inside the robot. Hours and hours passed and they still haven’t found the motherboard. “You think we should cancel this search? I mean we can’t even put in the motherboard until the very end.” One of the workers said. Cory went outside and saw their billboard, it said, “Robot Construction! Best Robot in the world! Helping us make construction easier! Coming in 3019.” Cory thought about it.
“No, we need to find this motherboard, the motherboard is the most important piece of this robot, this motherboard will give the robot human like personality, it will also give the robot great intelligence and if we can’t find it now, then we probably can’t find it again.”
“So, how do you think were going to find it?” asked the worker.
“I think I have an idea.” Cory ambitiously replied.
Cory walked around the robot looking for the switch, when he found it he turned the switch towards ON. Immediately, the robot started running around, going crazy, chasing away everyone in the building. It then ran through the wall and started running outside, chasing Zachary at the same time, destroying everything, everywhere they could see looked like a dumping site.
Eventually Zachary ran into an empty warehouse around 100 metres away from the laboratory. There was a tripwire at the entrance and luckily he jumped over it, but the robot didn’t see it. It tripped over the tripwire and crashed on the floor. He was relieved that he wasn’t running for his life anymore, but they still didn’t find the motherboard, Zachary was disappointed. He thought that Cory’s plan would work. But then, he saw something attached to a cord, slightly dangling out of the robots back (it was more obvious because the robot was lying down in its front), it looked familiar, it looked really important, it looked like, something they’ve been looking for.
“The motherboard!!” Zachary yelled. He looked around, saw a ladder laying on the wall and climbed up the robot. Zachary pulled it out of the robots back and ran back to the laboratory.
“The motherboard was there too early!” Zachary said, “We were supposed to put it in last, that’s why the robot went crazy.”
“Well, now the question is…” Cory said, “Who put it in there?”
Everyone was silent. “Oh well, doesn’t matter,” Zachary replied.
A year passed on, they repaired the laboratory and also continued to work on Robot Construction. When they finished in 3019, the same thing didn’t happen, the robot did what it was supposed to do. It was a successful invention and Zachary lived on to be the most famous inventor in history.